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What’s the Difference between False Teeth and Dentures?

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Have you ever wondered if false teeth and dentures are the same thing? It’s a common question! Many people use these terms interchangeably, but they actually refer to different types of dental solutions. A Lake Charles dentist at Duhon Family Dentistry can help you understand the differences and choose the best options as per your needs. Knowing the difference can help you make a better choice for your dental health. Let’s dive into what sets them apart.

What Are False Teeth?

False teeth is a broad term used for any artificial teeth that replace missing ones. This could include bridges, implants, or partial dentures. False teeth can be either permanent or removable, depending on the treatment.

For example, a dental bridge is permanently fixed in your mouth and feels like your natural teeth. Partial dentures, however, are designed to be removable. False teeth are made from various materials, including acrylic resin and porcelain, and they are customized to match your natural teeth as closely as possible.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are specifically designed to replace multiple missing teeth, either in part or in full. A full set of dentures is made to replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw, while partial dentures replace just a few missing teeth. You can consult with a specialist at a Lake Charles dental office who can guide you through the options. Unlike other types of false teeth, dentures are always removable.

Dentures today are much more comfortable than they used to be. They are crafted from lightweight acrylic resin and designed to fit snugly in your mouth. For instance, a full upper denture typically covers the roof of your mouth and is about 2-4 millimeters thick, offering a secure fit without sacrificing comfort.

Key Differences between False Teeth and Denture

Here’s a quick look at the key differences between false teeth and dentures:

●       Permanence: False teeth, like bridges, are fixed in place and don't need to be removed, while dentures are always removable.

●       Care and Maintenance: With fixed false teeth like bridges, you’ll brush them just like your natural teeth. Dentures, however, need to be removed and cleaned daily to maintain proper hygiene and fit.

Which Option Is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing between false teeth and dentures, it all depends on your specific needs. Both options can restore your smile and improve oral health. At Duhon Family Dentistry, our Lake Charles dentist will guide you through the process to find the perfect fit. Schedule your consultation today with our affordable denture in Lake Charles and take the next step towards a healthier smile!

Posted on Sep 9, 2024

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File ID 7876720 | © Paul Prescott |


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