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Duhon Family Dentistry offers only the best dental procedures and services to address our patients' dental care requirements. Combining the latest dental technology with high-quality patient care, we at Duhon Family Dentistry can treat patients of all ages in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

Our highly trained staff and amazing dentist, Dr. Karlnelius Duhon, are well-trained to identify our patients’ dental health issues and offer the best dental solutions available. This patient-first approach allows Duhon Family Dentistry to set our patients up for excellent oral health.

We offer several dental care services to patients in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas. When patients first visit Duhon Family Dentistry, we perform a thorough dental examination to determine any oral health issues. After obtaining a clear idea of the patient's oral health, our dentist will recommend the most effective dental treatment methods.

Whether you need tooth extractions, dental crowns, dental restorations, teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, or general oral hygiene, our highly-trained staff and great dentist will be there to help. Looking for an affordable dentist near you? Schedule an appointment with Duhon Family Dentistry today! Our dental clinic will be happy to help you reach your oral healthcare and cosmetic dentistry needs.

Dental Crowns

Dental crown diagramSometimes a tooth is too damaged to place a routine filling. In some cases, the tooth may be so damaged that a root canal may be recommended. Once the decay has been addressed, a crown or cap is fitted over the tooth to protect the area. Our dentist, Dr. Duhon, offers dental crowns. These small tooth-shaped caps attach to a tooth and provide a natural appearance while protecting the tooth from further decay.

Dental Restorations

Close-up of woman's perfect teethDuhon Family Dentistry offers excellent dental restoration services. Our dentist can restore your teeth to improve their appearance and functionality. Our dental office is dedicated to helping patients enjoy their teeth the way they were meant to be!

Root Canal

Dental root canal diagramSometimes a tooth has been so damaged by decay that to save the tooth, a root canal is recommended. Such damaged teeth can be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. A root canal is a dental procedure that removes the tooth's infected pulp. A modern root canal treatment is similar to a routine filling and can usually be completed in one or two appointments. With significant advancements in dental technology, getting a root canal is relatively painless and highly effective. You'll be back to smiling, eating, and chewing in no time.

Teeth Cleaning & Exam

Man receiving teeth cleaning and examEating various foods can cause plaque buildup, leading to gingivitis, gum disease, and tooth decay. To combat the effects particular foods have on our teeth, brushing and flossing daily is recommended. Furthermore, receiving a dental cleaning and exam every 6 to 12 months by your dentist helps ensure the health of your gums and teeth. Our dental teeth cleaning services will complement your oral care routine by accessing areas of your teeth that a toothbrush or dental floss can't reach or clean.


DenturesA denture is a removable appliance and replacement for missing teeth and surrounding gum tissues. There are two types of dentures available on the market: partial and complete. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.


Diagram of veneersDental veneers are thin tooth-colored covers attached to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance and function. They are made from porcelain or resin-composite materials and are permanently bonded to your teeth by your dentist. Veneers treat several cosmetic concerns like chipped teeth, broken teeth, or even discolored teeth.

OUR Blog

Allow our family dentistry clinic to care for your oral healthcare needs with our comprehensive list of services, including dental crowns, dental restorations, teeth extractions, teeth cleaning & examination, teeth whitening, etc. In addition, we also offer essential dental care services such as dentures, partial dentures, veneers, and dental implants. Learn more about these dental services and trending oral healthcare topics in our monthly blog.

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