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Teeth Whitening

Beautiful white and bright smileYour smile is often your most impressive feature and can leave a striking first impression. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental practice to enhance the whiteness of teeth. Our dental office uses professional teeth whitening to keep our patients' smiles whiter. Our dental clinic is known in the Lake Charles area for providing safe, low-sensitivity teeth whitening treatment with exceptional teeth whitening outcomes. It is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to brighten your smile.

Safe And Non-Invasive

Our teeth whitening products have been clinically confirmed to be safe and non-invasive on teeth and gums. While whitening your teeth, our whitening formulas help maintain your enamel, minimize sensitivity, and increase the shine on your teeth's surface. To plan your teeth whitening treatment, speak with our dentist, Dr. Duhon.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

Like many dental treatments, the cost depends on the patient's condition. However, we understand costs associated with oral healthcare can be concerning. Therefore, it is best to meet with our amazing dentist, Dr. Duhon, to discuss your oral goals to see what works for you.

Our Process

In-office whitening is the best option for individuals seeking dramatic and immediate effects. It employs the maximum product concentration and can be completed in our dental office with minimal time.

Our in-office teeth whitening procedure typically includes the following steps:

  1. First, a special rubber covering may be applied to the patient's gums.
  2. Then, our unique teeth whitening formula is applied to each tooth.
  3. Next, a UV light may be applied to the patient's teeth to cure the whitening gel. At this time, we allow the gel to work its magic for several minutes.
  4. The teeth whitening process may be repeated several times for maximum results.

Home Custom Teeth Whitening Trays

Custom teeth whitening trays are similar to mouthguards. Custom teeth whitening trays are placed over the teeth with a whitening gel to increase the clarity and whiteness of your teeth and can be completed in the comfort of your home.

How Do Custom Bleaching Trays Work?

Obtaining a brighter smile through custom teeth bleaching trays is relatively straightforward.

  • Our dentist, Dr. Duhon, will take impressions of your teeth and create molds used to create custom whitening trays.
  • Once you have trays, a bleaching solution is placed within them. You will wear the appliance with the bleaching solution for up to 4 hours per day for 1-2 weeks.

Most patients begin to see an immediate and significant result within a few days.

Our dental clinic offers teeth whitening services to the patients of Lake Charles, Prien, Westlake, Deatonville, and the surrounding area. Contact us today to schedule your teeth whitening service.

OUR Blog

Allow our family dentistry clinic to care for your oral healthcare needs with our comprehensive list of services, including dental crowns, dental restorations, teeth extractions, teeth cleaning & examination, teeth whitening, etc. In addition, we also offer essential dental care services such as dentures, partial dentures, veneers, and dental implants. Learn more about these dental services and trending oral healthcare topics in our monthly blog.

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