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How Do Dentists Fix Damaged Teeth?

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If you have damaged teeth, you might wonder what steps a Westlake dentist will take to help you. Dentists provide optimal treatments to restore your dental health and manage tooth pain effectively, whether a minor chip or severe damage.

Here's a quick overview of how dentists address common issues associated with damaged teeth and tooth pain.

Dental Fillings – The Most Common Procedure for Minor Cavities

A Westlake dentist might recommend a dental filling if you have minor cavities. It is a simple procedure that involves cleaning out damaged parts and filling them with a durable amalgam or resin composite. Fillings are the quickest and most effective solution to restore the functionality and shape of your teeth while preventing decay.

Dental Crowns – Cure for Damaged Teeth

A dental crown is the best option if your teeth are significantly damaged or weakened. The dentist carefully removes decayed and damaged portions of your teeth and covers them with customized crowns designed to fit over the tooth entirely, providing strength and protection. A dental crown is ideal if you are experiencing pain frequently and nothing works.  

Root Canal – Treating Inner Penetrated Damages

If the damaged teeth now affect the inner tissues, you should schedule a root canal immediately. Following this procedure, the dentist removes the infected or damaged pulp, cleans the root canals, and places a crown over it. If you're suffering from extreme tooth pain, a root canal might be the first recommendation from your Westlake dentist.

Dental Veneers – Catering Cosmetic Damage

If your teeth are stained, discolored, or naturally yellowish, your Westlake dentist might suggest dental veneers. These thin shells made of porcelain resin are bonded to the front of the teeth. They effectively cover imperfections and restore your beautiful smile!

To Sum It Up

Dealing with damaged or decayed teeth is stressful, but dental surgeries work magic in managing them! You can consult your Westlake dentist for effective treatments and professional consultations, such as fillings, crowns, veneers, or tooth canals. Minimize tooth pain and restore dental health today. Contact us today to explore your options and retain your confident smile!

Posted on Aug 12, 2024

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