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Post-Op Instructions Following Scaling & Root Planing

After the procedure, take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen before the anesthetic wears off. Continue to take every 4 hours for the next two days, if needed.

Apply an ice bag wrapped in a towel to the area of deep scaling to minimize the swelling, alternating 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.

It is normal to have some muscle tenderness where the injection was given. Taking over-the-counter pain medication will help.

Slight pain and discomfort immediately following treatment are usually present in areas where advanced periodontal disease was present. It subsides within 2-3 days.

Try waiting to eat after the anesthetic has worn off. Stick to a soft food diet for at least 24 hours after treatment.

From the next day onwards, rinse your mouth 2-3 times daily with lukewarm saline water.

Teeth may be sensitive to hot, cold, or sweets. Use a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth, such as Sensodyne. Avoid using whitening toothpaste as it will further aggravate sensitivity.

As the gums heal, they may change shape and size and appear less bulbous and red.

Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush at least two times per day. Some slight bleeding may occur during the next several brushings but should decrease with time.

Do not smoke for 24 to 48 hours after deep scaling, as it will delay the healing process.

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